:: Engineering application form ::
No such user exists!

Please click back on your browser and check that your handle and password details are correct.

Note: Only registered users of Outpost 10F can apply.
"; die(); } if (!$FORM['handle']) { $error_handle = 1; } if (!preg_match("/.+\@.+\.\w+/", $FORM['email'])) { $error_email = 1; } if (!$FORM['password']) { $error_password = 1; } if (!$FORM['previous_departments']) { $error_previous_departments = 1; } if (!$FORM['prefered_area0'] && !$FORM['prefered_area1'] && !$FORM['prefered_area2'] && !$FORM['prefered_area3'] && !$FORM['prefered_area4'] && !$FORM['prefered_area5'] && !$FORM['prefered_area6'] && !$FORM['prefered_area7'] && !$FORM['prefered_area8'] && !$FORM['prefered_area9'] && !$FORM['prefered_area10_other']) { $error_prefered_area = 1; } if (!$FORM['program_language1'] && !$FORM['program_language2'] && !$FORM['program_language3'] && !$FORM['program_language4'] && !$FORM['program_language5'] && !$FORM['program_language6'] && !$FORM['program_language7'] && !$FORM['program_language8'] && !$FORM['program_language9'] && !$FORM['program_language10'] && !$FORM['program_language11'] && !$FORM['program_language12'] && !$FORM['program_language13_other']) { $error_programming_language = 1; } if ($FORM['programming_program_used'] == "Yes" && !$FORM['program_programming_names']) { $error_programming_program_used = 1; } if (!$FORM['programming_program_used']) { $error_programming_program_used2 = 1; } if (!$FORM['multimedia_knowledge1'] && !$FORM['multimedia_knowledge2'] && !$FORM['multimedia_knowledge3'] && !$FORM['multimedia_knowledge4'] && !$FORM['multimedia_knowledge5'] && !$FORM['multimedia_knowledge6'] && !$FORM['multimedia_knowledge7'] && !$FORM['multimedia_knowledge8_other']) { $error_multimedia_knowledge = 1; } if (!$FORM['description_work']) { $error_description_work = 1; } if (!$FORM['reasons_for_joining']) { $error_reasons_for_joining = 1; } if ($error_handle || $error_email || $error_password || $error_previous_departments || $error_prefered_area || $error_programming_language || $error_programming_program_used2 || $error_programming_program_used || $error_multimedia_knowledge || $error_description_work || $error_reasons_for_joining) { $errormsg .= "You have not completed the form properly. Please click back on your browser and check these fields listed below:
\n"; if ($error_handle) { $errormsg .= "Enter a valid handle.
"; } if ($error_email) { $errormsg .= "Enter a valid email address.
"; } if ($error_password) { $errormsg .= "Enter a valid password.
"; } if ($error_previous_departments) { $errormsg .= "Please specify whether you have worked in a previous department.
"; } if ($error_prefered_area) { $errormsg .= "Enter at least one prefered work area.
"; } if ($error_programming_program_used2) { $errormsg .= "Please specify If you programs to create code.
"; } if ($error_programming_language) { $errormsg .= "Please specify a programming language you are familar with, or select the 'none' option.
"; } if ($error_programming_program_used) { $errormsg .= "You have stated that you use programs to generate code, please specify what programs you use.
"; } if ($error_multimedia_knowledge) { $errormsg .= "Please specify an area of multimedia you are familar with, or select the 'none' option.
"; } if ($error_description_work) { $errormsg .= "Enter description of recent work you've completed.
"; } if ($error_reasons_for_joining) { $errormsg .= "Enter your reason for joining.
"; } $errormsg .= "
"; print $errormsg; }else{ $prefered_area = ""; if (isset($FORM['prefered_area0'])) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area0']." "; } if (isset($FORM['prefered_area1'])) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area1']." "; } if (isset($FORM['prefered_area2'])) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area2']." "; } if (isset($FORM['prefered_area3'])) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area3']." "; } if (isset($FORM['prefered_area4'])) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area4']." "; } if (isset($FORM['prefered_area5'])) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area5']." "; } if (isset($FORM['prefered_area6'])) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area6']." "; } if (isset($FORM['prefered_area7'])) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area7']." "; } if (isset($FORM['prefered_area8'])) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area8']." "; } if (isset($FORM['prefered_area9'])) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area9']." "; } if ($FORM['prefered_area10_other']) { $prefered_area .= "".$FORM['prefered_area10_other'].""; } $program_languages = ""; if (isset($FORM['program_language1'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language1']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language2'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language2']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language3'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language3']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language4'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language4']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language5'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language5']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language6'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language6']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language7'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language7']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language8'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language8']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language9'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language9']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language10'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language10']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language11'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language11']." "; } if (isset($FORM['program_language12'])) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language12']." "; } if ($FORM['program_language13_other']) { $program_languages .= "".$FORM['program_language13_other'].""; } if ($FORM['programming_program_used'] == "Yes") { $programprogrammingnames = $FORM['program_programming_names']; } $multimedia_knowledge = ""; if (isset($FORM['multimedia_knowledge1'])) { $multimedia_knowledge .= "".$FORM['multimedia_knowledge1']." "; } if (isset($FORM['multimedia_knowledge2'])) { $multimedia_knowledge .= "".$FORM['multimedia_knowledge2']." "; } if (isset($FORM['multimedia_knowledge3'])) { $multimedia_knowledge .= "".$FORM['multimedia_knowledge3']." "; } if (isset($FORM['multimedia_knowledge4'])) { $multimedia_knowledge .= "".$FORM['multimedia_knowledge4']." "; } if (isset($FORM['multimedia_knowledge5'])) { $multimedia_knowledge .= "".$FORM['multimedia_knowledge5']." "; } if (isset($FORM['multimedia_knowledge6'])) { $multimedia_knowledge .= "".$FORM['multimedia_knowledge6']." "; } if (isset($FORM['multimedia_knowledge7'])) { $multimedia_knowledge .= "".$FORM['multimedia_knowledge7']." "; } if ($FORM['multimedia_knowledge8_other']) { $multimedia_knowledge .= "".$FORM['multimedia_knowledge8_other'].""; } $urls = ""; if ($FORM['URL1'] != "http://") { $urls .= "".$FORM['URL1']." "; } if ($FORM['URL2'] != "http://") { $urls .= "".$FORM['URL2']." "; } if ($FORM['URL3'] != "http://") { $urls .= "".$FORM['URL3']." "; } if ($FORM['URL4'] != "http://") { $urls .= "".$FORM['URL4']." "; } if ($FORM['URL5'] != "http://") { $urls .= "".$FORM['URL5'].""; } connectdb2(); // update database $db->Execute("INSERT INTO eng_apps VALUES ('', NOW(), '".$officerID."', '".$FORM['handle']."', '".$FORM['email']."', '".$FORM['previous_departments']."', '".$FORM['vacancy']."', '$prefered_area', '$program_languages', '$programprogrammingnames', '$multimedia_knowledge', '".$FORM['multimedia_programs']."', '".$FORM['description_work']."', '$urls', '".$FORM['reasons_for_joining']."', '".$FORM['comments']."', 0, '')"); $db->Execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE eng_apps"); $comments = "Please check the Engineering Console to review this application"; $headers = "From: applications@engineering.outpost10f.com\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n"; $subject = $FORM['handle']."'s Engineering Application"; $subject = preg_replace("/Subject\: /", "", $subject ); mail("applications@engineering.outpost10f.com", $subject, $comments, $headers); echo("Thank you for your application to Engineering! The managment team will be reviewing your suitability and be in touch with you shortly. As applications do take time to be processed we would ask that you wait at least a week before we are get in touch with you. Thanks again!
"); } echo(""); exit(); } ?> Before applying, we strongly suggest you read the Engineering F.A.Q and Mission Statement for further information on the department and it's work.

Submit the following information to apply for a position in the Ten Forward Department of Engineering. Please note that, as a rule, you cannot join an Outpost 10F Department before being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant JG or Clearance Level 3, unless you are invited by the Senior Manager.

Please allow us a few weeks to evaluate your application. You will be notified of the outcome of the evaluation as soon as possible. Should you have experienced any problems filling out this form, please inform the Excutives and e-mail them.

Fields that are marked with an * are mandatory.
Your Outpost 10F username *
Your Outpost 10F password *
Your email address * (make sure this is correct)
Have you ever worked for a department before? *
Vacancy you are applying for
(only select if you're applying for a specific position)
"; echo ""; $res = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM eng_vacancy ORDER BY id DESC"); while(!$res->EOF) { $report=$res->fields; echo ""; $res->MoveNext(); } echo ""; ?>
Your preferred area's * (check all those that apply)

Design / Lay-outs
Programming web sites
Creativity / Ideas
Maintaining web sites
Field research
Surveys / Interviews
Creating graphics
Creating audio files
Creating video files

Which of the following programming languages are you familiar with *
(check all those that apply)
Do you use a program(s) to create the codes? *
If the answer is Yes, what is the program(s) called?
* Which of the following design, graphic and other media are you familiar with? *

Audio / MP3
Shockwave / Flash
What programs do you use to create your Multimedia:
A short description of any relevant work
that you have already done *
URL's of your recent work
Your reasons for wanting to join this
department *
Additional Comments